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Friday Five
What Lee Strobel Learned from His Brush with Death
How clinging to grace became a living reality.
Cage Match for Christ
How salvation changed the focus of a UFC fighter.
Leading in the 'Land of the Digital'
Social media strategist Justin Wise on how churches can embrace technology to build relationships.
Friday Five
Actively Seeking Change
Daniel Ryan Day talks to us about his attempt to live intentionally different
John Newton: Slave Trader, Abolitionist, Song-Writer, Pastor
An interview with Tony Reinke about what made John Newton a relatable pastor
A Ministry of the Mundane
The life of a pastor is filled with high spiritual moments, but it’s mostly conducted in the quiet, ordinary routines of church life.
The Essential Art of Forgiveness in Ministry
Without it, leadership becomes tyranny.
Being a Pro-Life Church Is Messier Than You Think
Author and advocate Shannon Dingle on serving adoptive, foster, and special needs families.
Funeral for a Stranger
What to do—and what to avoid—when eulogizing someone you never met.
Boring Church Services Changed My Life
While I fought to keep my eyes open, the gospel pressed deep into my heart.
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